With the advancement of technology, its evolving ease of use and consequentially, its rapid adaptation, virtual courts have benefitted legal and judicial systems in a numerous way. A few of them are discussed below:
1. Improved Accessibility
India has a ratio of 21 judges per 10 lakh people, which in itself shows how overburdened our judges are. And in this, if the parties to the case, or their counsels, or any witnesses are unable to attend the court hearing due to distance, mobility issues, or other constraints, this backlog of cases increases further. Here, virtual courts play a pivotal role as they allow individuals to access the courts in a virtual manner and proceed with their case – breaking several barriers all at once.
2. Cost and Time Savings
The harsh reality of today is that filing a case involves a huge sum of money, and this cost depends on various factors, including litigants and counsels time and expenses incurred in the repetitive travels to the court. However, through virtual courts, professionals can focus more on their case preparation, reduce the hassle involved in running to and from different courtrooms, and subsequently save a substantial amount of time, money, and resources.
3. Enhanced Confidentiality
In sensitive cases where it is important to keep the identity of an individual secret, these virtual courts provide a helping hand by allowing that person to attend via virtual hearings. This way the person’s identity can be kept private, and moreover, this also protects them from getting unwanted public recognition.
4. Efficient Case Management
Allowing minute yet important steps, like filing a case or paying court fees, to be done virtually speeds up the entire judicial process. Virtual platforms also help in scheduling cases, recording hearings, and facilitating resource allocation among judges. All this improves the overall efficiency in the working of courts.